Hereunder we're making available to our visitors some of the most common calculations and conversion tables used in the industries which we work with. We hope you find them of use.

Size Chart for Water System Strainers

Micron Mesh* Inches* Inches* Typical
Strainer Type
10 1500 0,0004 -- Self Cleaning
50 250 0,002 -- Self Cleaning
100 150 0,004 -- Self Cleaning
150 100 0,006 -- Self Cleaning
200 80 0,008 -- Self Cleaning
400 40 0,016 (1/64) "Y" or Basket
800 20 0,032 (1/32) "Y" or Basket
1000 16 0,04 (3/64) "Y" or Basket
1500 10 0,06 (1/16) "Y" or Basket
3000 5 0,12 (1/8) "Y" or Basket
Conversion:1 micron = 0.00004 inches
* - Approximate
Typical Sizes (Ranges in Microns):
---- Pipe Scale 300 - 10,000+
---- Ground Limestone 10 - 1,000
---- Sand 120 - 1,200
---- Oxidized Metals 3 -300
---- Silt 2 - 20