Hereunder we're making available to our visitors some of the most common calculations and conversion tables used in the industries which we work with. We hope you find them of use.

Wire/Conduit Size Table for Miscelleanous Loads

Load CB Wire Size Conduit Size
(Dia. Inches)
Receptacles 20A/1 (2)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
Lighting 20A/1 (2)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
1/2 HP single phase motor
(9 FLA)
20A/1 (2)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
Snomax 30A/1 (2)#10 AWG+(1)#10 GND 3/4" 
 -- 15A/3 (3)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
3 Phase exhaust fan
(5 HP max.)
15A/3 (3)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
5 KW Heater 20A/3 (3)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
10 KW 480 V/3 Heater 20A/3 (3)#12 AWG+(1)#12 GND 3/4" 
15 KW 480 V/3 Heater 30A/3 (3)#10 AWG+(1)#10 GND 3/4" 
30 kVa transformer;
480 V/3 Input
50A/3 (3)#3 AWG+(1)#8 GND 1 1/2"
30 kVa transformer;
120/208 V/3P/4W Output
-- (3)#2 AWG+(1)#2 N+(1)#8 GND
(Feeds 100 A /3 panelboard main)
1 1/2"
45 kVa transformer;
480 V/3 Input
80A/3 (3)#4 AWG+(1)#8 GND 2"
45 kVa transformer;
120/208 V/3P/4W Output
-- (3) 2/0+(1) 2/0 N+(1)#8 GND
(Feeds 150 A /3 panelboard main)