Hereunder we're making available to our visitors some of the most common calculations and conversion tables used in the industries which we work with. We hope you find them of use.

Snow to Water Calculation Table

Snow Type Snow Density
Water per
Acre-Ft Snow
Factor (%)
Adjusted Water
per Acre-Ft
Dry 24 125400 45% 182000
-- 26 135800 40% 190000
Medium 28 146300 35% 198000
-- 30 156700 30% 204000
Wet 32 167200 20% 201000
Water per Acre-Ft Snow = Snow Density (Lb/Ft^3) / 8.338 (Lb/Gal) x 43,560 (Ft^2/Acre)
For System Capacity Calculations, use 200,000 gal water per acre-ft snow