The Swingo 200+ is an efficient, flexible and convenient compact sweeper for public areas and the city centre. The combination of the pressurised water recirculation system and the Koanda air circulation system makes the sweeping operations of the Swingo 200+ Koanda environmentally friendly and helps saving resources. With this machine, many streets, paths and squares can be swept, the lowerable undercarriage also enables sweeping in multi-storey car parks and underground car parks. The sweeping brooms attached to the front have an automatically regulated broom ground pressure control, resulting in maximum manoeuvrability in any sweeping situation.
Innovation Inside for environmentally friendly sweeping operations
The combination of the pressurised water recirculation system and the Koanda air circulation system for which a patent is pending reduces the emission of harmful particulate matter by up to 95%. Combined with a new, intelligent pressurised water recirculation system, the machine becomes even more efficient and eco-friendly than ever before – the need for time-consuming stops to refill water is eliminated, making extended sweeping operations possible.
The pressurised water recirculation system ensures reliable and low-wear collection of dirt thanks to large amounts of water in the suction system. Furthermore the optimum water recovery system guarantees a compacted and semi-solid debris. The efficient handling of resources is environmentally friendly while the optimum utilisation ot the hopper capacity is ensured.
The one-of-a-kind Koanda air circulation system eliminates particulate emissions nearly completely. Moreover, the water consumption and the noise level during sweeping operations are reduced significantly. Furthermore, the Koanda air circulation system even permits sweeping operations at moderate sub-zero temperatures.
Compact and manoeuvrable
The compact dimensions of the Swingo 200+ Koanda ensure that the vehicle remains manoeuvrable in any situation, safe, and mobile: The scope of application ranges from maximum to minimum sweeping ranges, i.e. from wide areas to narrow passages. Besides, the Swingo 200+ distinguishes itself through its modular build. Different suspension, sweeping and also steering systems are available. The Swingo 200+ is prepared for all conditions.
Quality characteristics
Swingo machines have several sweeping performance levels which guarantees maximum operational readiness: sweeping performance levels are continuously set from Standard to Maximum. Thus the Swingo 200+ can cope with all levels of pollution. The debris is conveyed by two or three disc brushes to the suction nozzle and then ends up in the 2.0 m3 hopper.
Other highlights of the Swingo line include the fully-glazed driver cabin which guarantees safety, the air conditioning unit, the hydro-pneumatic suspension to protect the spine, the steering wheel that can be adjusted for optimum driver comfort, the ergonomically designed control system ensures comfortable operation with the use of joysticks and easy to read multifunctional on board computer incorporating cruise control – for more information feel free to contact us at any time!